

Philippa and Sue have written a self-help manual for women living in or recovering from an abusive relationship.

Sue is a therapist in South Africa and has been counselling women in abusive relationships for 25 years. Philippa, an American is one of the survivors of the abuse pattern. Initially the abuse pattern was linked to substance abuse. It was relatively easy to blame alcohol or drugs for the destructive patterns in the relationship. Her divorce left her helpless and defeated and she left SA with just a dream of a better future and Yorkshire terrier, Osho.

In LA she met a man who exhibited not even a hint of any type of substance abuse. “Happily ever after” became a possibility once again. However the pattern of abuse was repeated. This time there was no alcohol or drugs on which to lay the blame. Once again she found herself again battling the demons of co-dependency and abuse.

Sue and Philippa met up again in the Berkshires after many years and many desperate long distance phone calls. The years of working on herself have paid off magnificently. “I recognized Philippa at the airport immediately. After hours under the trees of the beautiful Berkshires I have to say she is less recognizable. There is none of the brittleness and hurt that she carried like a badge of honor for years. There is now no doubt in my mind that healing and transformation is exactly the same thing.”

Together they have created a self-help manual which they hope with be a life line for many unhappy and frightened women. WHEN LOVING HIM HURTS will give you the following:

  1. It will explain the uniform pattern of abuse that makes a relationship not just difficult or unsatisfying.
  2. The manual will explain the typical ways in which your life is slowly being corroded.
  3. Why he is an abuser
  4. Why you choose each other over and over again
  5. How you save yourself from this destructive and soul-destroying relationship
7 comments on “About
  1. Glad to found your site to share about such abusive relationship issue 🙂
    😃 Thank you to like my artwork blog 😊


  2. How are you publishing your book. Sounds very important. Thanks Meghan


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